Nadine Lee

"CONCEPTUALIZATION - Excellent question. Art is a diverse range of visual, literary, auditory, and performative creativity! It's an expression of imagination and technical skill. Additionally, it's history, criticism and pure enjoyment..."

Professional Work

Click here to access the many things I've had the privilege to write about. Coverage, op-eds, investigative, branded: Here.

Personal Projects

Click here for the things I spend my personal time on. Ideation, poetry, prose, concepts, comics, my law school's newsletter: All here.

The 24th Voyage

A platform for human interest stories and the best of things. We are preparing for launch - if you have a pitch and would like to be part of the launch, please get in touch.

Upcoming Projects

Things that will be published soon. You can have a little peek.

CV & Contact

Click for my contact and CV.